Well yes! We arrived at the end of the survey!
As you can see from the photos, the images represent the individual in the same position (though from first to last there is a slight downward deflection).
You believe it or not but the truth, and the main difference (which looks incredible), is that the photos were taken at 45 minutes each other! Yes, yes, it's true!
I would not have believed it myself had I not been there! And yet ... Max has been good in the same position for almost two and a half hours ....! Fantastic!
I would suggest for the Nobel prize for perseverance!
Now, the question is .... What could be across the room to make sure that our friend was so caught?? A naked woman? A film by Chuck Norris? Unsolvable math equation? Mah !?.....
One thing is sure, next year will be a candidate as a favorite at the festival of the thumb and index more muscular!
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