Letters - March 26, 2009 Letters to the nearest
Frusbo, we miss you
us of the Committee, We miss your allergy noisy ... I remember that you were allergic to the gross domestic product each time you passed on the GR was from sneezing, when the handset is yet to ... okay, never mind.
I wanted to ask one thing of religion, do not try to laugh now. I remember going to catechism and the arrogant Don, if you study, led. At first, the guappo you did, you were a bit 'inattentive, but when I saw it coming with his arm in plaster I realized that it would no longer missed classes.
So I write, the thing is serious, and before to talk to you know who I wanted to know what you think. What do you remember you omnipresence? in heaven, on earth and everywhere, still I hear those words, nor the secretary had arrived in time although it was a parsley, a little 'raised your toilet seat and you find yourself smiling with his big face that space between the teeth.
I thought it was a simple story for people, but now, I'm not so sure. How about the issue that the head was a candidate in all the colleges for Europe? To me the one part I like, but on the other scares me. You know how it's done, right? There has limits when it comes to power would be capable of anything. It 's like a hunting dog that runs and runs until he broke my heart. I wonder, but if he wins, put in ten colleges' I'm as poor man do? The coke works wonders but does not multiply or breads, or Christians. I am concerned that too ... then he pulls the rope, and maybe we are not the reason for our life and, above all, without the money that passes. We have a problem liderscip, everybody says so. What will is liderscip? Something to cut? Let's pay attention, please.
Unless you already have the solution in your pocket 'I'm a great big man, but then it can only come from beyond the Tiber.
And right there I wanted to get there: that you're in Rome, is that you can make a jump in the Vatican Bagnasco and ask? Maybe bring him a gift, do I know? a leather-bound copy of the new living will and ask him what he thinks ... no, not the will, on what has already sent instructions. If he takes to heart the question of who could speak to the Holy Father and perhaps we can tell if the head is the fourth mystery of Fatima or the guardian of the Grail. Scapagnini has sewn his mouth sends pizzini that says that he is a saint, a billionaire, a statesman and a natural President and will live up to 140 years but does not speak of ultrapoteri, or what you do. Search
let us know, maybe talk Apicella, when you're on your evenings, you have to beat all the roads. By the way ... say hello to zita of the Secretary. But you know that if you need a refresh the memory will send you the photos that did Cupo, that good son. You are two beautiful people, even if you are a bit 'fat and, perhaps, you're better dressed. I keep them here, you never know. Your cousin
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