Thursday, July 23, 2009

Why Boil Peppers Before Roasting

to counter tax evasion? No, still interested curiosity

I munirmi camera and comfortable accommodation, perhaps parked near a traffic light. After a few seconds the usual luxury car or SUV will join with on board the usual taxpayer with an income of around € 15,000 a year.

A photo of the car to the plate trying to portray even make and model may be the best tax spying without unnecessary phone calls to the hotline.

I think I might clog the servers of the Guardia di Finanza with thousands of photos, thousands of cases to be investigated to understand how do you get cars and get by fine with just over a thousand euro gross per month.

I would be curious why, having to buy a car, I am embarrassed to note that many of those I see on the street than the 40,000 Euro. Although rate, even if leased, even if owned by the company to whom our taxpayer is related in one way or another, a proportion with the income there must be.

But it may be that there is a Machiavellian little known to us mortals that GdF employees or whoever it might reveal to the city to allow a less "utilitarian" and a better contribution to the revival of the automotive industry. Better incentives prompted by Marchionne for 2010.

Giulio succeed a hand? m

ps: I am reminded of the notary who drew up the deed of sale of the house and how, upon payment of the lot, he preferred to cash a check. - He is a public official, we are in one of the leading Italian banks ...- I thought - I can trust - or not?


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